Dear Friends,
It is an understatement to say that I was overwhelmed and humbled by your expressions of affection and appreciation on my last Sunday. The day was a whole lot joyous and a little bit sad as you celebrated my retirement. I am so, so grateful for all of you, for the day and the planning that went into it, for the generosity of spirit that has united us over the last five years.
I completely trust that you are on a steady and Spirit-guided path toward finding your next minister. How lucky that person will be to walk into your hearts! One of my ministerial colleagues that was present on Sunday described this community as “spiritually mature.” I couldn’t agree more! During the absence of a minister, it is especially valuable to infuse the community with your energy and availability to each other.
Please trust, support, and encourage your Board of Trustees and ministerial Search Team.
Please continue to be present with your time, your attention, and your financial gifts.
Please actively participate in the search process by keeping up with communications about it, as well as providing your input as it is requested.
Please remember that a church is comprised of ALL its people, not just the leader(s). In the perfect time, a senior minister will be there to guide and pastor; in the meantime, you have all the gifts and tools necessary to thrive and grow.
I love you all. Forever.
Rev Jill