We are located in an historic hunting lodge and grounds, with gardens and walking trails.
We have a tennis court, a walkable labrynth, and a peace pole.
Come explore and enjoy the beautiful hill-top view!
God is the source and creator of all. There is no other enduring power.
God is good and present everywhere.
We are spiritual beings, created in God's image. The spirit of God lives within each person; therefore, all people are inherently good.
We create our life experiences through our way of thinking.
There is power in affirmative prayer, which we believe increases
our connection with God.
Knowledge of these spiritual principles is not enough. We must live them.
Our former minister, Rev. Ellen Debenport, wrote a book about these five principles, the universal spiritual laws that govern our lives. You may order it from Unity or Amazon, including a Kindle version.
Please visit us Sundays at 11 am and explore more online at Unity.org