Unity of Wimberley social activities finally coming back! Read on . . .
Dear Friends,
We have several activities coming up that are indicators that we finally seem to be emerging from the restrictions of the last two years. (Keep in mind that, as we’ve seen in the past, that things may change if we have another highly contagious wave of COVID.) Please take note in this newsletter of the Earth Day event scheduled for later in April! And our Men’s Group will be using the kitchen again for their breakfast meetings! That leads me to a special announcement about Wise Women . . .
Wise Women will return on May 21, the third Saturday, from 10-12. However, I am looking to “reboot” Wise Women, perhaps even changing its name to something else! We have all been longing to connect after the long drought brought about by the pandemic. Yes, we desire the ease and laughter of social gatherings. Yes, we want to break bread with each other. But we are also hungry for even deeper interactions, and for shared exploration of the ways that we’ve changed. I am proposing that our gathering have three elements: a shared meal, casual conversation, and a theme or topic for discussion that will be revealed ahead of time for your consideration. I am envisioning something like a “Master Mind” group, in which we perhaps break into smaller groups of 2, 3, or 4, and hold the highest visions and intentions for each other. It’s time to reignite any dormant spiritual practices, to engage in lively and meaningful conversation, and to do it with our sisters!
Here’s where you women come into the planning process: by offering your ideas and feedback about a possible new name for our group; by sharing the topics or themes you’d like to see us explore; by indicating your interest in participating, or even presenting a topic one Saturday! Please email me at minister@UnityofWimberley.com with your thoughts and ideas. I’d love to know what interests you.
I’m looking forward coming together in an old, new way!
Rev Jill