A new class based on the book, The I of the Storm, by Dr. Gary Simmons, will be offered for credit beginning Wednesday, March 12th from 6-8 PM. This class teaches about conflict resolution; how to resolve conflict within your life and with others. It has proven to be life-changing for many Unity Truth students. The class will be offered 5 consecutive Wednesdays, ending April 9th. Rev. John and Charlotte Garrett, LUT, will be facilitating the class in the Fireside room.
This class is offered on a love-offering basis. If you wish to take it for credit, there is a $47 recording fee that will be paid to Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute.
You will need to provide your own copy of the book. Your confirmation email will provide a link to purchase the book from Amazon. But, you may, of course, purchase the book wherever you like.
If you wish to take the class for credit and need to apply for a scholarship, there will be a link in your confirmation email where you may apply for a scholarship from the church to cover that cost. Please make sure you follow that link if you wish to apply for a scholarship.
We look forward to seeing you!